# Huff by Example

# Introduction

Huff by Example is an effort to provide a thorough explanation of each feature of the Huff language, along with code-snippet examples detailing how, when, where, and why to use each one. The snippets here are heavily commentated, but this section does assume some prior experience working with the EVM.

If you are new to low-level EVM programming, please read the Tutorials section of the docs before diving into Huff development. If you run into any issues, please feel free to come ask the community questions on Discord (opens new window)!

# Defining your Interface

While defining an interface is not a necessary step, functions and events can be defined in Huff contracts for two purposes: To be used as arguments for the __FUNC_SIG and __EVENT_HASH builtins, and to generate a Solidity Interface / Contract ABI.

Functions can be of type view, pure, payable or nonpayable, and function interfaces should only be defined for externally facing functions.

Events can contain indexed and non-indexed values.

# Example

#define function testFunction(uint256, bytes32) view returns (bytes memory)

#define event TestEvent(address indexed, uint256)

# Constants

Constants in Huff contracts are not included in the contract's storage; Instead, they are able to be called within the contract at compile time. Constants can either be bytes (32 max) or a FREE_STORAGE_POINTER. A FREE_STORAGE_POINTER constant will always represent an unused storage slot in the contract.

In order to push a constant to the stack, use bracket notation: [CONSTANT]

# Example

Constant Declaration

#define constant NUM = 0x420
#define constant HELLO_WORLD = 0x48656c6c6f2c20576f726c6421

Constant Usage (without loss of generality, let's say the constant NUM holds 0x420 from the above example)

                    // [] - an empty stack
[NUM]               // [0x420] - the constant's value is pushed to the stack

# Custom Errors

Custom errors can be defined and used by the __ERROR builtin to push the left-padded 4 byte error selector to the stack.

# Example

// Define our custom error
#define error PanicError(uint256)
#define error Error(string)

#define macro PANIC() = takes (1) returns (0) {
    // Input stack:          [panic_code]
    __ERROR(PanicError)   // [panic_error_selector, panic_code]
    0x00 mstore           // [panic_code]
    0x04 mstore           // []
    0x24 0x00 revert

#define macro REQUIRE() = takes (3) returns (0) {
    // Input stack:          [condition, message_length, message]
    continue jumpi        // [message_length, message]

    __ERROR(Error)        // [error_selector, message_length, message]
    0x00 mstore           // [message_length, message]
    0x20 0x04 mstore      // [message_length, message]
    0x24 mstore           // [message]
    0x44 mstore           // []

    0x64 0x00 revert

        pop               // []

# Jump Labels

Jump Labels are a simple abstraction included into the language to make defining and referring to JUMPDESTs more simple for the developer.

# Example

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Store "Hello, World!" in memory
    0x00 mstore // ["Hello, World!"]

    // Jump to success label, skipping the revert statement
    success     // [success_label_pc, "Hello, World!"]
    jump        // ["Hello, World!"]

    // Revert if this point is reached
    0x00 0x00 revert

    // Labels are defined within macros or functions, and are designated
    // by a word followed by a colon. Note that while it may appear as if
    // labels are scoped code blocks due to the indentation, they are simply
    // destinations to jump to in the bytecode. If operations exist below a label,
    // they will be executed unless the program counter is altered or execution is
    // halted by a `revert`, `return`, `stop`, or `selfdestruct` opcode.
        0x00 mstore
        0x20 0x00 return

# Macros and Functions

Huff offers two ways to group together your bytecode: Macros and Functions. It is important to understand the difference between the two, and when to use one over the other.

Both are defined similarly, taking optional arguments as well as being followed by the takes and returns keywords. These designate the amount of stack inputs the macro/function takes in as well as the amount of stack elements the macro/function outputs.

#define <macro|fn> TEST(err) = takes (1) returns (3) {
    // ...

# Macros

Most of the time, Huff developers should opt to use macros. Each time a macro is invoked, the code within it is placed at the point of invocation. This is efficient in terms of runtime gas cost due to not having to jump to and from the macro's code, but it can quickly increase the size of the contract's bytecode if it is used commonly throughout.

# Constructor and Main

MAIN and CONSTRUCTOR are two important macros that serve special purposes. When your contract is called, the MAIN macro will be the fallback, and it is commonly where a Huff contract's control flow begins. The CONSTRUCTOR macro, while not required, can be used to initialize the contract upon deployment. Inputs to the CONSTRUCTOR macro are provided at compile time.

# Macro Arguments

Macros can accept arguments to be "called" inside the macro or passed as a reference. Macro arguments may be one of: label, opcode, literal, or a constant. Since macros are inlined at compile-time, the arguments are not evaluated at runtime and are instead inlined as well.

# Example

// Define the contract's interface
#define function addWord(uint256) pure returns (uint256)

// Get a free storage slot to store the owner
#define constant OWNER = FREE_STORAGE_POINTER()

// Define the event we wish to emit
#define event WordAdded(uint256 initial, uint256 increment)

// Macro to emit an event that a word has been added
#define macro emitWordAdded(increment) = takes (1) returns (0) {
    // input stack: [initial]
    <increment>              // [increment, initial]
    __EVENT_HASH(WordAdded)  // [sig, increment, initial]
    0x00 0x00                // [mem_start, mem_end, sig, increment, initial]
    log3                     // []

// Only owner function modifier
#define macro ONLY_OWNER() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    caller                   // [msg.sender]
    [OWNER] sload            // [owner, msg.sender]
    eq                       // [owner == msg.sender]
    is_owner jumpi           // []

    // Revert if the sender is not the owner
    0x00 0x00 revert


// Add a word (32 bytes) to a uint 
#define macro ADD_WORD() = takes (1) returns (1) {
    // Input Stack:          // [input_num]

    // Enforce that the caller is the owner. The code of the
    // `ONLY_OWNER` macro will be pasted at this invocation. 

    // Call our helper macro that emits an event when a word is added
    // Here we pass a literal that represents how much we increment the word by.
    // NOTE: We need to duplicate the input number on our stack since
    //       emitWordAdded takes 1 stack item and returns 0
    dup1                     // [input_num, input_num]
    emitWordAdded(0x20)      // [input_num]

    // NOTE: 0x20 is automatically pushed to the stack, it is assumed to be a 
    // literal by the compiler.
    0x20                     // [0x20, input_num]
    add                      // [0x20 + input_num]

    // Return stack:            [0x20 + input_num]

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Get the function signature from the calldata
    0x00 calldataload        // [calldata @ 0x00]
    0xE0 shr                 // [func_sig (calldata @ 0x00 >> 0xE0)]

    // Check if the function signature in the calldata is
    // a match to our `addWord` function definition.
    // More about the `__FUNC_SIG` builtin in the `Builtin Functions`
    // section.
    __FUNC_SIG(addWord)      // [func_sig(addWord), func_sig]
    eq                       // [func_sig(addWord) == func_sig]
    add_word jumpi           // []

    // Revert if no function signature matched
    0x00 0x00 revert

    // Create a jump label
        // Call the `ADD_WORD` macro with the first calldata
        // input, store the result in memory, and return it.
        0x04 calldataload    // [input_num]
        ADD_WORD()           // [result]
        0x00 mstore          // []
        0x20 0x00 return

# Functions

Functions look extremely similar to macros, but behave somewhat differently. Instead of the code being inserted at each invocation, the compiler moves the code to the end of the runtime bytecode, and a jump to and from that code is inserted at the points of invocation instead. This can be a useful abstraction when a certain set of operations is used repeatedly throughout your contract, and it is essentially a trade-off of decreasing contract size for a small extra runtime gas cost (22 + n_inputs * 3 + n_outputs * 3 gas per invocation, to be exact).

Functions are one of the only high-level abstractions in Huff, so it is important to understand what the compiler adds to your code when they are utilized. It is not always beneficial to re-use code, especially if it is a small / inexpensive set of operations. However, for larger contracts where certain logic is commonly reused, functions can help reduce the size of the contract's bytecode to below the Spurious Dragon limit.

# Function Arguments

Functions can accept arguments to be "called" inside the macro or passed as a reference. Function arguments may be one of: label, opcode, literal, or a constant. Since functions are added to the end of the bytecode at compile-time, the arguments are not evaluated at runtime and are instead inlined as well.

# Example

#define macro MUL_DIV_DOWN_WRAPPER() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x44 calldataload // [denominator]
    0x24 calldataload // [y, denominator]
    0x04 calldataload // [x, y, denominator]
    // Instead of the function's code being pasted at this invocation, it is put
    // at the end of the contract's runtime bytecode and a jump to the function's
    // code as well as a jumpdest to return to is inserted here. 
    // The compiler looks at the amount of stack inputs the function takes (N) and
    // holds on to an array of N SWAP opcodes in descending order from 
    // SWAP1 (0x90) + N - 1 -> SWAP1 (0x90)
    // For this function invocation, we would need three swaps starting from swap3
    // and going to swap1. The return jumpdest PC must be below the function's
    // stack inputs, and the inputs still have to be in order.
    // [return_pc, x, y, denominator] (Starting stack state)
    // [denominator, x, y, return_pc] - swap3
    // [y, x, denominator, return_pc] - swap2
    // [x, y, denominator, return_pc] - swap1
    // After this, the compiler inserts a jump to the jumpdest inserted at the
    // start of the function's code as well as a jumpdest to return to after
    // the function is finished executing.
    // Code inserted when a function is invoked:
    // PUSH2 return_pc
    // <num_inputs swap ops>
    // PUSH2 func_start_pc
    // JUMP
    // JUMPDEST <- this is the return_pc
    MUL_DIV_DOWN(err) // [result]

    // Return result
    0x00 mstore
    0x20 0x00 return

        0x00 0x00 revert

#define fn MUL_DIV_DOWN(err) = takes (3) returns (1) {
    // A jumpdest opcode is inserted here by the compiler
    // Starting stack: [x, y, denominator, return_pc]

    // function code ...

    // Because the compiler knows how many stack items the function returns (N),
    // it inserts N stack swaps in ascending order from
    // SWAP1 (0x90) -> SWAP1 (0x90) + N - 1 in order to move the return_pc
    // back to the top of the stack so that it can be consumed by a JUMP
    // [result, return_pc] (Starting stack state)
    // [return_pc, result] - swap1
    // Final function code:
    // 👇 func_start_pc
    // JUMPDEST           [x, y, denominator, return_pc]
    // function code ...  [result, return_pc]
    // SWAP1              [return_pc, result]
    // JUMP               [result]

# Builtin Functions

Several builtin functions are provided by the Huff compiler:

# __FUNC_SIG(<func_def|string>)

At compile time, the invocation of __FUNC_SIG is substituted with PUSH4 function_selector, where function_selector is the 4 byte function selector of the passed function definition or string. If a string is passed, it must represent a valid function signature i.e. "test(address, uint256)"

# __EVENT_HASH(<event_def|string>)

At compile time, the invocation of __EVENT_HASH is substituted with PUSH32 event_hash, where event_hash is the selector hash of the passed event definition or string. If a string is passed, it must represent a valid event signature i.e. "TestEvent(uint256, address indexed)"

# __ERROR(<error_def>)

At compile time, the invocation of __ERROR is substituted with PUSH32 error_selector, where error_selector is the left-padded 4 byte error selector of the passed error definition.

# __codesize(MACRO|FUNCTION)

Pushes the code size of the macro or function passed to the stack.

# __tablestart(TABLE) and __tablesize(TABLE)

These functions related to Jump Tables are described in the next section.

# Example

// Define a function
#define function test1(address, uint256) nonpayable returns (bool)
#define function test2(address, uint256) nonpayable returns (bool)

// Define an event
#define event TestEvent1(address, uint256)
#define event TestEvent2(address, uint256)

#define macro TEST1() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x00 0x00                // [address, uint]
    __EVENT_HASH(TestEvent1) // [sig, address, uint]
    0x00 0x00                // [mem_start, mem_end, sig, address, uint]
    log3                     // []

#define macro TEST2() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    0x00 0x00                // [address, uint]
    __EVENT_HASH(TestEvent2) // [sig, address, uint]
    0x00 0x00                // [mem_start, mem_end, sig, address, uint]
    log3                     // []

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Identify which function is being called.
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(test1) eq test1 jumpi
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(test2) eq test2 jumpi

    // Revert if no function matches
    0x00 0x00 revert



# Jump Tables

Jump Tables are a convenient way to create switch cases in your Huff contracts. Each jump table consists of jumpdest program counters (PCs), and it is written to your contract's bytecode. These jumpdest PCs can be codecopied into memory, and the case can be chosen by finding a jumpdest at a particular memory pointer (i.e. 0x00 = case 1, 0x20 = case 2, etc.). This allows for a single jump rather than many conditional jumps.

There are two different kinds of Jump Tables in Huff: Regular and Packed. Regular Jump Tables store jumpdest PCs as full 32 byte words, and packed Jump Tables store them each as 2 bytes. Therefore, packed jumptables are cheaper to copy into memory, but they are more expensive to pull a PC out of due to the bitshifting required. The opposite is true for Regular Jump Tables.

There are two builtin functions related to jumptables.

# __tablestart(TABLE)

Pushes the program counter (PC) of the start of the table passed to the stack.

# __tablesize(TABLE)

Pushes the code size of the table passed to the stack.

# Example

// Define a function
#define function switchTest(uint256) pure returns (uint256)

// Define a jump table containing 4 pcs
#define jumptable SWITCH_TABLE {
    jump_one jump_two jump_three jump_four

#define macro SWITCH_TEST() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Codecopy jump table into memory @ 0x00
    __tablesize(SWITCH_TABLE)   // [table_size]
    __tablestart(SWITCH_TABLE)  // [table_start, table_size]

    0x04 calldataload           // [input_num]

    // Revert if input_num is not in the bounds of [0, 3]
    dup1                        // [input_num, input_num]
    0x03 lt                     // [3 < input_num, input_num]
    err jumpi                       

    // Regular jumptables store the jumpdest PCs as full words,
    // so we simply multiply the input number by 32 to determine
    // which label to jump to.
    0x20 mul                    // [0x20 * input_num]
    mload                       // [pc]
    jump                        // []

        0x100 0x00 mstore
        0x20 0x00 return
        0x200 0x00 mstore
        0x20 0x00 return
        0x300 0x00 mstore
        0x20 0x00 return
        0x400 0x00 mstore
        0x20 0x00 return
        0x00 0x00 revert

#define macro MAIN() = takes (0) returns (0) {
    // Identify which function is being called.
    0x00 calldataload 0xE0 shr
    dup1 __FUNC_SIG(switchTest) eq switch_test jumpi

    // Revert if no function matches
    0x00 0x00 revert


# Code Tables

Code Tables contain raw bytecode. The compiler places the code within them at the end of the runtime bytecode, assuming they are referenced somewhere within the contract.

# Example

#define table CODE_TABLE {